Humans fear change. We do. It’s that whole unknown factor that gives us goosebumps. We don’t like or welcome any variances from what we are used to in our lives. To prevent any variance and maintain a status quo, even if the status quo is not working, there are folks who will grind their heels into the dirt, grit their teeth, shut their eyes, and believe what they want to believe in order to avoid change.
While I’m sure those same people will accuse me of believing any old horseshit the liberal media throws at us, below is a list of the top 5 common misconceptions being passed around about this
healthcare reform bill.
Agree with The Bill. Disagree with The Bill. Whatever.
#1: This healthcare bill wants to euthanize your grandma.The truth: These accusations—of "death panels" and forced euthanasia—are, of course, flatly untrue. As an article from the Associated Press puts it: "No 'death panel' in health care bill." What's the real deal? Reform legislation includes a provision, supported by the AARP, to offer senior citizens access to a professional medical counselor who will provide them with information on preparing a living will and other issues facing older Americans.
#2: Private insurance will be outlawed and you will be forced into a government plan.The truth: With reform, choices will increase, not decrease. This healthcare reform plan will create a health insurance exchange, a one-stop shopping marketplace for affordable, high-quality insurance options. Included in the exchange is the public health insurance option—a nationwide plan with a broad network of providers—that will operate alongside private insurance companies, injecting competition into the market to drive quality up and costs down.
If you're happy with your coverage and doctors, you can keep them. But the new public plan will expand choices to millions of businesses or individuals who choose to opt into it, including many who simply can't afford health care now.
#3: The new healthcare reform bill will essentially implement Soviet-style rationing. The truth: Health care reform will expand access to high-quality health insurance, and give individuals, families, and businesses more choices for coverage. Right now, big corporations decide whether to give you coverage, what doctors you get to see, and whether a particular procedure or medicine is covered—that is rationed care. And a big part of reform is to stop that. Health care reform will do away with some of the most nefarious aspects of this rationing: discrimination for pre-existing conditions, insurers that cancel coverage when you get sick, gender discrimination, and lifetime and yearly limits on coverage. And outside of that, as noted above, reform will increase insurance options, not force anyone into a rationed situation.
#4: Senior citizens' Medicare benefits will be cut.The truth: Health care reform plans will not reduce Medicare benefits. Reform includes savings from Medicare that are unrelated to patient care —in fact, the savings comes from cutting billions of dollars in overpayments to insurance companies and eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse.
#5: Obama's health care plan will bankrupt the United States. The truth: We need health care reform now in order to prevent bankruptcy — to control spiraling costs that affect individuals, families, small businesses, and the American economy.
Right now, we spend more than $2 trillion dollars a year on health care. The average family premium is projected to rise to over $22,000 in the next decade — and each year, nearly a million people face bankruptcy because of medical expenses. Reform, with an affordable, high-quality public option that can spur competition, is necessary to bring down skyrocketing costs. Also, President Obama's reform plans would be fully paid for over 10 years and not add a penny to the deficit.
Want some more reading material? Here ya go:"More 'Town Halls Gone Wild': Angry Far Right Protesters Disrupt Events With 'Incomprehensible' Yelling," Think Progress, August 4, 2009.
"Fight the smears," Health Care for America NOW, accessed August 10,
"Palin Paints Picture of 'Obama Death Panel' Giving Thumbs Down to Trig," ABC News, August 7, 2009.
"No 'death panel' in health care bill," The Associated Press, August 10,
"Stop Distorting the Truth about End of Life Care," The Huffington Post,
July 24, 2009.
"Reality Check FAQs,", accessed August 11, 2009.
"Why We Need a Public Health-Care Plan," The Wall Street Journal, June
24, 2009.
"Obama: 'If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Keep Your Doctor,'" The Wall Street Journal, 15, 2009.
"Reality Check FAQs,", accessed August 10, 2009.
"Obama: No reduced Medicare benefits in health care reform," CNN, July 28, 2009.
"Reality Check FAQs,", accessed August 10, 2009.
"Reality Check FAQs,", accessed August 10, 2009.
"Premiums Run Amok," Center for American Progress, July 24, 2009.
"Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies," CNN, June 5, 2009.
"Reality Check FAQs,", accessed August 10, 2009.
"A euthanasia mandate," The Washington Times, July 29, 2009.
"It's Not An Option," Investor's Business Daily, July 15, 2009.
"Rationing Health Care," The Washington Times, April 21, 2009.
"60 Plus Ad Is Chock Full Of Misinformation," Media Matters for America,
August 8, 2009.
"Obama's 'Public' Health Plan Will Bankrupt the Nation," The National
Review, May 13, 2009.
Oh, and if you haven't seen
Sicko because you hate Michael Moore, you really should see it anyway. Even the ridiculously right slanted FOX News had
this to say about it.