
At Your Convenience

Just go here: Stuff White People Like. I linked to this site a few days ago through a post on Firas' blog and have been reading pieces of it ever since.

Basically, it's a highly snarky blog containing a comprehensive list of Stuff White People Like (such as #96 New Balance Shoes) interspersed with White People In The News blurbs and White Problems (like "Poorly Read Partners"). According to the website, a book version of the blog is coming out this summer.


6th Floor blog said...

The site just annoys me. It's just random generalizations and most of them aren't even true.

Alison said...

I've seen that site and was particularly convicted by #96, the New Balance Shoes.

Anonymous said...

it's stupid. i hate bumper stickers and won't have one on my car. although once in awhile i see one on someone else's car that tickles me. i do not like getting offended and i do get offended by generalized statements directed at any group of people. I've tried many varieties of new balance shoes and i don't care for them. i don't like anything up around my neck including scarfs. i know nothing about rugby. there is no such thing as FREE medical care..someone has to pay. i don't gain my confidence by what school i attended and i am not impressed by someone just because they attended a certain school. i did really enjoy "the da vinci code". i think there are good and bad public schools just like there are good and bad private schools. improper grammar is not high on my list of annoyances, although i have to admit it is more pleasant to my ears when someone uses good grammer.

cathryn said...

I actually got a kick out of the site. Yeah, of course, they're just random generalizations. But seriously, I've met people like that and thought the observations were spot on, thus hilarious.

Anonymous said...

i just reread the stuff white people like, and i have to agree with you Cathryn. It is hilarious. i too know a few people like that.

Anonymous said...

Good lord, I did not read the list, because..you know..reading, but from some of the comments I would guess whining and being easily offended are on the list.

Maybe people just need a better understanding of what a generalization is.