
Happy Guy Fawkes Night!

I would rather be out drinking beer around a bonfire right now than sitting at home in front of my computer.

Tonight is the 400th anniversary of the conspiracy to blow up the House of Parliament in Westminster, London. Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated every year in Britain on November 5th. Typically the celebrations include fireworks, bonfires and the ceremonial effigy-burning of Guy Fawkes.

Who was this character Guy Fawkes anyway?, you may ask.There are lots of great websites that will give better information, but in a nutshell...the whole story stems from the "Gunpowder Plot" of 1605. The object of The Gunpowder Plot was to blow up English Parliament along with the ruling monarch, King James I. It was hoped that such a disaster would initiate a great uprising of English Catholics, who were distressed by the increased severity of penal laws against the practice of their religion.

Anyway, the plot was discovered, the conspirators killed or arrested and Guy Fawkes, pinned as the leader of the plot, was caught, tortured and executed - although there is some disagreement by historians regarding the exact nature of his involvement.


Above is a good website if you're really interested :) Nowadays, Guy Fawkes Night is just a fun excuse to break out the alcohol and be merry!

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